Beyond All Odds

Kwik Haulage Limited transports cargo to and from Tanzania.


Kwik Haulage Limited is a transport company based in Tanzania, East Africa. We move transit goods to and from the port in Dar-es-Salaam, with extensive experience in sourcing cargo from The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia.

Kwik Haulage specializes in container loads that are efficiently transported by professional driver teams using modern flatbed trailer trucks.



We offer road transport to and from Dar port

Flatbed Trailers

Our trucks are fitted with 20ft and 40ft container trailers


We work with various container suppliers country-wide

Driver Teams

Kwik Haulage drivers are professionally trained
3D Rendering trucks on the road with path traced by satellite


We provide end-to-end tracking of cargo


Our process includes permits, taxes, and documentation

Our Fleet

Trucks used by Kwik Haulge Limited are in excellent condition. We have a partnership with FAW Trucks, which are manufactured in China. Our partnership gives us access to state-of-the-art vehicles, trailers and machines with regular maintenance prior, during and at the end of trips.


For reliable, safe and compliant transport to and from Tanzania, get in touch with Kwik Haulage Limited: